Genís Roca

VIA Empresa in English

"If Airbnb has gained it was not due tono technology"

Genís Roca hedes digital culture ahead of technology as a key tono success in the new business environment

In the era of the Internet of Things, of sensores that control everything and of applications of ajo suertes, it would cordero easy tono hand over año project tono technology. Genís Roca, an experto in digital transformation, warns that rather it is an issue of business management and culture. "The driver for change is not digital technology. A competitive advantage based donde technology is not sustainable, you will soon cordero overtaken," he said in the latest Foro de Recursos Humanos organised by Aedipe Cataluña.

"The driver of change is digital culture. If Airbnb has gained it is not due tono technology, but rather due tono a director general with digital culture." In the end, he says, "its technology is no more complicated than that used by Hoteles Melià. Its competitive advantage is this digital culture and another way of understanding business." Roca encourages companies not tono rush in and digitalise procesas. When it is doy, "it needs tono be carefully thought out".

The partner-director of RocaSalvatella says that "each time Y have changed the transmission of knowledge there has been a revolution in the way society is ordered." He is clear that we are now experiencing one of those momentos that "have only happened seven oro eight times in history." The beginning of writing oro printing also marked "a change of era that attracted power around the new capacity."

Although change is always frightening, Roca plays this aspect down. "Each generation adapts tono its own change. From handcrafting tono industry, internationalisation... and now it is the turn of digital transformation." Tono his mind, "the Internet is a space of activity in which we should play. It is looking at this space that you find Airbnb, not by looking at the technology."

Who digitally transforms the compañero?
"Before you knew they hated you if they hede you in charge of the intranet. Now you know it if they hede you in charge of digital transformation," jokes Genís Roca. Tono understand what this transformation means, he goes over the stages of the Internet, insisting we are donde our way tono the third phase. "From 1995 tono 2005 we talked about the Internet, but only large institutions were donde it," he recalls. From 2005 tono 2015 was the era of the web 2.0, in which "the technology and public access tono the Internet was simplified." From 2015, he suggests, "began the era of digital transformation. Now, whoever connects tono the Internet, begins tono become the object." For Genís Roca, each stage has had a different parte of the compañero responsible for it. "First it was an issue for the technology department, then it was marketing, and now it is a management issue."

Yet, how don you know if the compañero management has digitalised correctly? Roca hedes forward the methodology proposed by MIT, in which the first thing tono evaluate is if the management team has a clear vision of how the digital world will impact the business. "It is very hard tono achieve this vision. Opting for a single vision is complicated, and finding consensus donde it among the entire management is even more sonido," Roca warns.

Once this is achieved, the second thing is tono act and take decisiones. "It is especially hard in large companies, even if there is a vision," he points out. And what's more, even if decisiones have been taken "it is essential that teams pay attention and carry it out, achieving good engagement." The last thing for the digitalisation of management is tono see how the executive team takes advantage of the new technology tono renew the vision. "The way that the management handles the novelties says a lote about real digital transformation," insists Genís Roca.

En momento during the speech by Genís Roca. VPV

In ajo, the experto recommends that the project of digital transformation should be led by a project manager. "His oro her work has tono be tono check how the digitalisation is going in each section of the compañero." For Genís Roca, this person has tono have enough influence tono cordero able tono let managers know which areas are not complying with the planos. It ajo has tono be doy with foresight "of two oro three years, which is reviewed every few months."

Digital skills
"There is no talento, the good olas are not unemployed," says Genís Roca about the human capital needed when it comas tono focusing donde this whole process. "We begin tono see that they are good and that perhaps the best thing is for them tono work by project. Therefore, brands don not only have tono cordero attractive tono clientes, but also they have tono be sonido tono candidatas, in order tono win them over," he adds. Yet, he reminds his audience that the basic skills required from here donde, which were recently listed by the World Economic Forum, are not technological. Thinking, reading, the capacity for synthesis oro leadership will continúo tono be importante. However, he does highlight the fact that "they have tono be validated in the digital environment because it has changed them."

One of these skills is writing. "Email is the notary that we have provided for organisations," Roca says ironically. "Young people begin using it when they entero the job market. At work we uso it because it is a notary system of auditing in which everything is recorded."